国家教学团队(National teaching team)


       负责人:耿国华教授Responsible:  Guohua Geng professor


       The "Computer Science Specialty Fundamental Core Courses" national teaching team consists of three sub-teams: software foundation course group, specialty foundation course group and system foundation course group. At present, the team has 1 National Teaching Master and 1 Provincial Teaching Master. The team has won 2 national teaching achievement awards and 3 provincial teaching achievement awards. The team has constructed 2 national excellent courses, 1 national bilingual demonstration course and 2 provincial excellent courses, and has published more than 30textbooks. The team was involved in writing for Liberal Arts Computer Teaching Guidance Committee of the Ministry of Education, and for the Computer Science and Technology Teaching Guidance Committee of the Ministry of Education.The team plays an important and leading role in computer teaching for colleges and universities.


地址:西安市长安区郭杜教育科技产业园区学府大道1号  邮编:710127

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